7-7 Jul 2020 Grenoble - Saint Martin d'Hères (France)

Data management plan: obligation or opportunity

In the context of Open Science and in order to comply with
integrity, reproducibility and FAIR* principles, complete a DMP
has become an unavoidable requirement for funding agencies.
(ANR, European projects, etc.).

Wondering how to do it ? You are looking for tools, models ? You need help to meet this obligation?

The data stewardship unit (https://gricad.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/donnee.html), set up at
the UGA by GRICAD and its partners, and the members of the Datacc' project (https://www.collexpersee.eu/projet/datacc/) offers you a meeting around the DMPs on 14 April, from 11am to 5pm at the IMAG building.

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